Monday 25 March 2013

Day 30 - The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today! (1965)

I previously thought all 60's "boy bands" were shallow imitations of The Beatles, as The Beatles were the top  pop rock artists of the 60's, but I was wrong. I discussed The Beach Boys with my brother and he was right, they don't sound like The Beatles. The Beach Boys sound like surf music, even though none of them surfed. There weren't a lot of songs I recognized on this album but most of them were good. They harmonised well and sounded lovely when they sang. A few songs were cheesy, "Don't Hurt My Little Sister" & "I'm So Young". The last "song", an interview clip called "Bull Session With The 'Big Daddy'", was pointless but overall a solid effort. 3/5.

Tracks I enjoyed the most: Do You Wanna Dance?, Help Me, Rhonda, Please Let Me Wander & She Knows Me Too Well.

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